From left to right back row: Mr. Maby, Mrs. Toro, Mrs. Abercrombie, Dr. Fuhrer and Mrs. McIntyre. Front row: Mrs. Cortes, Mrs. Isaacs and Mrs. Boodram
During the school year, email is the best way to reach your School Counselor but feel free to call us if you prefer. You can either click on the link below the name of your counselor or copy and paste the email address into your email message. During our busy times of the year (beginning of the school year and spring semester during registration) please be patient for a response from your counselor. We will try to respond to you as soon as we can.
Make An Appointment
Parents are encouraged to email their student's counselor to schedule an appointment to ensure the counselor will be available for your visit. Parents who choose to walk in without an appointment take the risk of finding their child's counselor unavailable or will not have sufficient time to address their concerns. Counselors do realize there are times when there will be emergencies that occur and are unexpected. However, if your concern is not urgent, we would appreciate your courtesy of creating an appointment.
Students can stop by to see their counselors before school, during their scheduled lunch, and after school or they can sign up for an appointment with their counselor below. Appointments made during class times must have teacher permission.
Mrs. Erin Isaacs (2-111)
All ESE students
[email protected]
Book an appointment with Mrs. Isaacs
Mrs. Tonya McIntyre (2-111)
Last names A-Di
[email protected]
Book an appointment with Mrs. McIntyre
Mrs. Pamela Boodram (6-100)
Last names Dj-Ka
[email protected]
Book an Appointment with Mrs. Boodram
Mr. Nick Maby (6-100)
Last names Kb-Nm
[email protected]
Book an Appointment with Mr. Maby
Mrs. Michelle Cortes (2-111)
Last names No-Sb and ESOL students
[email protected]
Book an appointment with Mrs. Cortes
Mrs. Joan Toro/Mrs. Abercrombie (6-100)
Last names Sc-Z
[email protected]
Book an appointment with Mrs. Toro or Mrs. Abercrombie
Dr. Andrea Fuhrer (9-120N)
College/Career Center Counselor
[email protected]
Book an appointment with Dr. Andrea Fuhrer-coming soon!