Information for the 2025-2026 school year
We are excited to start working with students on course registration for the upcoming school year! Our process has changed slightly this year so please read the information below carefully.
Current HHS students have seen the registration video during science, but if they miss it or if families want to watch it, the video links are posted below.
Incoming Freshman Registration Video Rising 10-12th Grade Registration Video
Helpful Links:
Incoming freshman (rising 9th grade) Class Registration Google Form
*Incoming freshman, will need to submit their Google request form no later than February 7, 2025
Current and incoming Hagerty students can use the planning forms to make sure they are taking the required courses and plan out their electives. These planning forms are not due back to the counselors.
Incoming Freshman Planning Form Grades 10-12 Planning Form
School Counselors will be meeting individually with their current students during the month of February. If a student is absent during their scheduled meeting, they will be able to meet with their counselor at a later time. After spring break, counselors will be meeting with incoming freshman at their middle school to ensure their courses are entered in Skyward.
Please be patient with us as our counselors will be meeting with over 2000 students. We may be delayed in responding to emails and phone calls during registration. Our priority will be to ensure that every student has a schedule request in Skyward for the upcoming school year.
Registration Timeline
- Students will watch registration videos in classes
- Curriculum Guide for the 2025-2025 school year
- Students will receive an email (SCPS email) with directions on how to fill out the Google request form to enter class selections
- Curriculum Night Jan. 30
- Google form submissions are due Jan. 31 (current HHS students) or Feb. 7 for incoming students
- Hagerty school counselors will be meeting with current Hagerty students during the month of February to ensure their course requests are in Skyward
- Hagerty school counselors will be meeting with incoming freshman students at their middle school after spring break.
New and incoming students and their families are encouraged to attend our Curriculum Night on January 30, 2025. We will have a brief presentation by administration starting at 6:00 pm in our auditorium. Please be sure to arrive on time so you don't miss any information. We are looking forward to meeting our new Huskies!