National Honor Society

What is National Honor Society?

  • Reflecting school leaders’ profound commitment to student leadership development, the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) founded NHS in 1921 based on the four pillars of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. The goal of the organization is to support and empower students, helping them achieve academic success and become the leaders of tomorrow.

Why do people want to join National Honor Society?

  • NHS is the original academic service club. It is one of the most prestigious clubs on campus and has national recognition and respect. NHS additionally gives thousands of dollars of scholarships and helps students get their required service hours.  If you are a student who wants to set yourself apart to colleges, to give back to the community, and to become a leader both in and out of school, NHS is for you.

How are members selected?

  • Candidates are invited to apply. Their candidate information forms once submitted are printed and given to an anonymous five-member faculty council. Mrs. Thompson, as the advisor, is a nonvoting member of this council which means she has no say on acceptances and rejections. The faculty council reads every single candidate information form and votes on whether the student should be admitted or not. A majority of votes by the faculty council is needed to be accepted into NHS. 

What is the Faculty Council looking for in candidate information forms?

  • Faculty council bases their decisions off the four pillars

    • Scholarship

      • All candidates fill this requirement by having an unweighted 3.5 GPA or higher

    • Service

      • Students must show participation in a variety of community service activities with a minimum of 15 verified community service hours since the start of 9th grade year.

      • Please see the service section of this candidate information form for more detailed information

    • Leadership

      • Students must show a variety of leadership skills through participation in both in school and out of school activities

      • Students must provide verification of at least three leadership roles held in and/or outside of school since the start of 9th grade year

      • Please see the leadership portion of this candidate information form for more detailed information

    • Character

      • National Honor Society defines a person of good character as someone who demonstrates the following six qualities: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. 

      • The essay portion and faculty recommendation portion of this candidate information form will be used to evaluate this

How do I apply?

  • Students will receive an invitation letter with instructions. A copy will also be emailed to their HHS student email

How will I know if I was accepted or not?

  • If you are accepted into National Honor Society, you will be “tapped” during class by our officers. If you are not, you and your parents will receive an email from Mrs. Thompson. This email will also detail why the faculty council did not accept your application for membership.

If selected, what will be my obligations as a member?

  • Members must complete 5 individual community service hours and 5 group community service hours per semester. Members must pay $20 dues and purchase an NHS T-shirt for group events each year. Members must attend monthly meetings with no more than two unexcused absences for the year. Members must submit all forms and verifications by deadlines.

Hagerty High School National Honor Society Bylaws can be found here

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